Benefits Of TENs Machines

Non-Invasive Technique: The Tens machine is a noninvasive technique to treat pain, starting with temporary to long-lasting relief. The electrical stimulation also does not intrude in any body part and cause harm of any sort. Pain Relief: The primary advantage of using a TENS machine is nerve stimulation to distract pain centers and thus reduce […]

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TENs Machines

Introduction to TENS Machine The TENS device is similar to an EMS system, though their nature of working differs from each other considerably. The Tens machine produces electrical muscle stimulation that focuses only on sensory nerve endings that control pain caused by spasms and injury. With the help of electronic current passing through muscles, the […]

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Massage Devices

So I’ve been asked a lot about massages devices so wanted to post this entry to give you some idea about what you can expect and what the benefits are. The Cost Firstly the price, As you can imagine going to a salon or therapy centre for a message can easily set you back £50-£200 […]

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Hot & Cold Therapy

How it works Heat therapy works by improving circulation and blood flow to a particular area due to increased temperature. Increasing the temperature of the afflicted area even slightly can soothe discomfort and increase muscle flexibility. Heat therapy can relax and soothe muscles and heal damaged tissue.  Types There are two different types of heat […]

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Tips For Coping

Spinal stenosis is a condition in which the spinal canal is narrowed, which places pressure on the delicate spinal cord and causes symptoms like back pain, numbness, tingling, and muscle weakness. If you have spinal stenosis, you could consider talking to a spine doctor in Miami about your medical treatment options. There are nonsurgical and surgical […]

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The Causes Of Pain

Causes of Low Back Pain Many factors can contribute to low back pain — from strained muscles to strained “nerves” An acute injury — lifting and twisting a heavy load, for example — can lead to low back pain. And, over time, aging causes degenerative spinal changes starting as early as the 30s or earlier. […]

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Supplements & Herbs

Eating a healthy diet with plenty of fruits, vegetables and whole grains helps keep your body in good shape. Foods high in antioxidants, such as green, leafy vegetables and berries, may be helpful in fighting inflammation. Supplements and herbs that some people have found helpful to reduce inflammation and pain, include those listed below. However, […]

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Types Of Heat Therapy

Two options for heat therapy include moist heat and dry heat. Dry heat, such as electric heating pads and saunas, draw out moisture from the body and may leave the skin dehydrated. However, some people feel that dry heat is the easiest to apply and feels the best. Moist heat, such as hot baths, steamed […]

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What Is Spinal Stenosis?

Spinal stenosis is a narrowing of the spaces within your spine, which can put pressure on the nerves that travel through the spine. Spinal stenosis occurs most often in the lower back and the neck. Some people with spinal stenosis may not have symptoms. Others may experience pain, tingling, numbness and muscle weakness. Symptoms can […]

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